Geocomputation with Julia


Maarten Pronk, Rafael Schouten, Anshul Singhvi, Felix Cremer and Jakub Nowosad


This is the online home of Geocomputation with Julia, a book on reproducible geographic data analysis with open source software.

Inspired by the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) movement this is an open source book. Find the code underlying the geocompjl project on GitHub, ensuring that the content is reproducible, transparent, and accessible. Making the book open source allows you or anyone else, to interact with the project by opening issues, making typo fixes and more, for the benefit of everyone.

This book is part of the geocompx series, following the popular R and Python editions.

The book’s website is built by GitHub Actions, which runs the code every time we make a change, ensuring code correctness and reproducibility. The current build status as follows:

For details on reproducing the book, see the README in the project’s GitHub repo: